Now more than ever, teachers need support to persist in the art of teaching, yet many teachers feel alone in their efforts. As preservice teachers enter classrooms for observations and practicums, they are noticing the loneliness some teachers are experiencing. Where is this loneliness stemming from? Is this loneliness preventable? Should preservice teachers expect to face this same loneliness as first-year teachers?
ICTE recognizes that preservice teachers play a vital role in education. Today’s preservice teachers will continue to enter schools that are still figuring out what it looks like to provide education amidst a global pandemic.
Join us Monday, February 21st at 7 PM EST for a FREE virtual conversation where preservice and current teachers will share their own experiences with loneliness in the classroom and their efforts to create communities that support and embrace one common initiative—to serve our students! As we investigate this cry for community with preservice teachers, we hope to equip them with the tools necessary to overcome isolation in the classroom and build a strong teaching community. This event is especially for our preservice teachers, however, current teachers and school administrators are also welcome to attend and are encouraged to share their own experiences and advice.
Blending ELA and Social Studies: Using Authentic Programs to Bring the Subjects Together

Cross-curricular teaching creates a more engaging academic environment as teachers partner with colleagues in other disciplines for our students’ benefit. In this session, learn about the Indiana Bar Foundation’s civic education programs and how they align with teaching English Language Arts. This session will look at two programs: We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, which helps students understand our government through the US Constitution and other historical informational and nonfiction texts; and Mock Trial, which helps students understand the judicial branch and legal system. The session will be presented by Tim Kalgreen, director of civic education at the Indiana Bar Foundation, and Tony Sturgeon, English teacher at Fishers Junior High School. This session will focus mostly with MS & HS teachers, but the We the People program is applicable for upper ES teachers too. Join us on Monday, February 7 at 7 PM EST. Register below.