IACTE Constitution & By-Laws
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Advocating for Education, Stimulating Improvement, Preparing Teachers
IACTE Constitution & By-Laws
Table of Content
Article VI – Executive Committee
Article VII – Other Committees
Article VIII – Financial Operations
Article IX – Parliamentary Procedure
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be The Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Article II – Purposes
A. The purposes of this Association are:
To provide, through a professional organization, the cooperation for a continuous search for and promotion of ideas and practices which are most effective in the education of professional school personnel in Indiana.
To represent and advocate for the education of educators before all segments of the public as a great professional enterprise carrying special responsibilities for the development of competent citizens, particularly in the State of Indiana.
B. Consonant with these purposes, the major objectives of this Association are the same objectives of the AACTE as they apply in and for the state of Indiana.
To be an effective voice and advocate for teacher education institutions at the state level on matters of policy related to teacher education.
To cooperate with other professional organizations and agencies in activities designed to establish desirable directions, goals, and standards for teacher education.
To collect, analyze, and interpret information and data relevant to the condition and progress of teacher education in the state of Indiana; to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of such information among IACTE members, other professional bodies, and the public and private sectors of the educational community.
To be an effective communication system between the membership of IACTE and AACTE.
To be the vehicle for teacher education institutions within Indiana to collaborate with the national organization in:
a. Developing and defining positions on issues of importance to teacher education.
b. Coalescing support for national policy and activity.
c. Supporting the programs and activities of the state associations.
C. Affiliation
The Association shall be affiliated with the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education in accordance with the following policy approved by the National Board of Directors:
For purposes of obtaining affiliation the IACTE shall consist of at least 60 percent of the AACTE member institutions in Indiana.
Continuance of affiliation shall be contingent upon:
a. Maintenance of a membership of at least 60 percent of the AACTE member institutions in Indiana,
b. Assurance that the voting rights of comprehensive members comprise at least 51 percent of the total voting rights for the IACTE.
c. Submission to the National Board of Directors of an annual activity report of the IACTE to include a review of program and fiscal activities and a certification of membership within the state.
d. Biennial review by the AACTE Board of Directors.
e. Adoption and maintenance of a state Constitution and by-laws consistent with the nationally approved models of same.
D. Non-Profit Status
The Association is not organized for profit and no part of its funds shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual.
Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purpose.
Article III – Membership
A. Eligibility for membership shall be limited to those colleges and universities in the state of Indiana having state approved programs of teacher education and offering at least the baccalaureate degree.
Each member institution shall be entitled to one vote when conducting the business of the Association.
When business is directly related to the program and activities of the AACTE only those colleges and universities holding membership in AACTE shall be entitled to vote. Those colleges and universities holding membership in AACTE shall be identified as COMPREHENSIVE MEMBERS. Those colleges and universities holding membership in IACTE only shall be identified as STATE MEMBERS.
Other colleges and universities interested in teacher education in the State of Indiana may be invited to join this Association by Executive Committee action. Representatives from interested colleges and universities are encouraged to attend regularly scheduled meetings prior to becoming a member. These members shall be known as CANDIDATE MEMBERS.
B. Membership Year. The membership year shall be from May 1 to April 30.
C. The designated dues of annual membership for all members of the IACTE shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the membership. Dues shall be payable by October 1 of the current academic cyear.
D. The Executive Director/Treasurer shall notify members six months in arrears, and those whose dues are not paid within three months thereafter may be dropped from membership in IACTE.
E. Liaison Relationship. Liaison relationships may be established with non-profit associations and agencies with an interest in the preparation of professional school personnel.
Article IV – Officers
A. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President and Executive Director who shall also act as Treasurer. Other officers may be elected as deemed necessary and in accordance with the by-laws.
B. Duties of Officers
President: The President serves as the chair of the Executive Committee and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and calls special meetings. If the President is an AACTE Institutional representative, he or she will serve as the representative to the AACTE Advisory Council of State Representative. The President also oversees preparation of the Association’s Annual Budget, the Annual Report to AACTE and serves as an ex officio member to all committees except the Nominations Committee. He or she performs such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.
Vice-President: The Vice-President, who is also called President-elect, assists the President and will succeed to the Presidency if for any reason the President cannot fulfill the duties of that office. The Vice-President is a member of the Executive Committee and performs such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the Parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.
Executive Director: The Executive Committee through a process of nominations selects the Executive Director. He or she will also act as Treasurer, hereafter referred to as Executive Director, and will supervise all monies paid into and out of the General Fund, prepare a financial statement for presentation at an annual meeting, will serve as a voting member on the Executive Committee, and perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed to the Parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.
C. Elections: Elections will be held annually, and it will be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to provide names of candidates for office. Voting shall be managed by and returned to the Executive Director. There shall be one vote per member institution.
D. Terms of Office of Officers: The President and Vice President shall serve for two years. The Vice President shall automatically succeed to the Presidency subsequent to being Vice President. The President shall remain for two years on the Executive Committee as Immediate Past President. The Representatives-at-large shall serve for one two-year term, but may run for a second consecutive two-year term. The Executive Director shall serve for a one year period and shall be able to succeed himself or herself pending successful evaluation by the Executive Committee. Terms of office shall run from and to the final yearly meetings in April each year.
E. Indemnification of Officers: Each officer shall be indemnified by the Association against expenses actually incurred by him or her in conjunction with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding to which he or she is made a party by reason of being or having been an officer of the Association, except in relation to matters as to which he or she shall have been conclusively adjudged in any such action, suit or proceeding, to be liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his or her duties as officer. Such indemnification shall not be deemed to be exclusive of any other rights to which such person may be entitled under any arrangement approved by the Association.
Article V – Meetings
A. The Association shall hold annual meetings and such other special meetings on such days and at such places as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
B. A quorum, defined as one third of member institutions, shall be required to vote on matters of substance to the whole organization.
Article VI – Executive Committee
A. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the following: the President as chair, Vice President, the Immediate Past President, four Representatives elected at-large and the Executive Director. This committee shall be broadly representative of the member institutions.
Representatives: There shall be four representatives elected on an alternate basis for a one- or two-year term. One representative will be designated for the public institutions, one for the independent institutions and the remaining two truly at-large, designated neither as independent nor public. The representative shall not be permitted to succeed him/herself in that office. Ex officio representatives shall be the ACSR representative, any Indiana representative (Zone HI or at-large) on the AACTE Board of Directors, and any representatives deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
B. Qualifications
Each member of the Executive Committee shall be an institutional representative from a member institution.
Holding any office is terminated at such time as the office holder discontinues service in an education unit of a member institution.
C. Powers and Duties. The Executive Committee shall set annual goals for the Association, both in terms of the work of the standing committees and the Association’s meetings. These goals are to be assessed by the Executive Committee annually.
Furthermore, the Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the Association between meetings, shall develop and implement policy, and must approve the budget and plans for the annual meetings. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the verification of eligibility for membership and shall maintain a list of all members and current institutional representatives.
The Executive Committee shall appoint:
an Executive Director and shall oversee the individual’s annual performance evaluation,
an Audit Committee, annually,
a Nominating Committee, annually, and
any other staff and/or committees as may be necessary to carry out the business of the Association.
D. Meetings. The Executive Committee will meet a minimum of three times per year.
Article VII – Other Committees
A. Nominations Committee
There shall be a Nominations Committee composed of three members appointed for one year by the Executive Committee. Its responsibility shall be to provide at least two names representing the public and private institutions for the state for each vacancy on the ballot.
B. Audit Committee
There shall be an Audit Committee composed of two members appointed for one year by the Executive Committee. Its responsibility is to audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the fiscal year and report at the meeting immediately after the audit.
C. Ad Hoc Committees and Groups
Temporary or ad hoc committees may be appointed from time to time for such purposes as determined by the membership, the Executive Committee or the President. The work and purpose of such committees will be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee to determine their on-going status.
D. Statement on Committee Reporting
All standing and Ad Hoc committees shall submit a brief written report summarizing their activities annually. The report shall include recommendations for the committee for the next year.
Article VIII – Financial Operations
A. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from May 1 to April 30.
B. General Fund
The General Fund of the Association shall consist of the income from the receipt of dues from members and any other income which may accrue to the Association.
C. Budget
The Annual Budget is presented by the Executive Director and approved by the Executive Committee.
D. Disbursement of Funds
All monies paid into the General Fund of the Association shall be supervised by the Executive Director. Monies will be disbursed according to the approved annual budget. All non-budgeted expenditures must be approved by the Executive Committee.
E. Financial Reports
An annual report of the General Fund, including income and expenditures for the fiscal year, shall be prepared by the Executive Director for presentation annually to the membership and shall be submitted as part of the annual Activity Report to AACTE.
Article IX – Parliamentary Procedure
A. Rules of Order
The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern the deliberations of this Association.
Article X – Amendments
Constitution – Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing to the executive Committee by institutional representatives. The Executive Committee must approve the proposed amendments by a majority vote. After approval by the Executive Committee, such proposed amendment must be transmitted to all member institutions at least two weeks before the meeting at which it is to be voted upon, or if the vote is not to be taken at a meeting, at least two weeks before the voting deadline.
Proposed amendments will not become a part of this constitution until such proposed amendments are approved in person or by proxy by two-thirds of the membership and the AACTE Board of Directors.
By-laws may be adopted or amended by the Executive Committee subject to a majority vote of membership at a regular or special meeting and the National Board of Directors.
Article I – Voting Procedures
Section 1. Each member institution is entitled to one vote on all matters brought before the Association, with the exception that on national issues related to the operation of AACTE, only representatives of AACTE member institutions shall vote. Affiliate member representatives do not have voting rights.
Section 2. If the institutional representative is unable to attend a meeting of the Association, he may designate a member of the faculty or administration at his institution to serve in his place at this meeting. This person will have full voting privileges.
Section 3. Proxy votes on motions to be brought before the Association are to be
accepted, provided the vote is in writing and is directed to the motion as specifically presented for final action.
Section 4. Where official action by the full Association is deemed necessary between meetings, votes may be taken by mail.
Article II – Executive Committee
Section 1: Special Appointments. If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the unexpired term shall be filled as soon as possible through an appointment by the Executive Committee. When possible, such appointments must be made to ensure appropriate composition as specified in Article VI, A of our constitution.
Section 2: The Executive Committee will hold an annual two day summer retreat where goals for the past year are reviewed and goals for the coming year are established.
Section 3: The Executive Director will be reviewed annually by the president, president-elect and one Executive Committee member. The evaluation will take place in May of each year. The evaluation may either be conducted via phone conference or in person.
Section 4. No institutional representative may serve as an officer of the Association or as a member of the Executive Committee if the institution he or she represents has dues outstanding.
Approved by membership October 2005
Changes approved by membership by survey September 2018, and approved by AACTE February 2019
The foregoing Constitution was adopted October, 2005 by the following institutions:
Anderson University
Ball State University
Bethel College
Butler University
Calumet College of St. Joseph
DePauw University
Earlham College
Franklin College
Goshen College
Grace College
Hanover College
Huntington University
Indiana State University
Indiana University
South Bend
Indiana University Purdue University
Ft. Wayne