CHECK IT OUT! - August 25th Positive School Discipline Institute’s Future Educators' Conference: Creating a Foundation for Culturally- Responsive, Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices
IACTE Colleagues –
Indiana K-12 schools have begun, and you soon will be greeting students to your campuses. We do hope you have had a restful and restorative summer. The IACTE Executive Committee wanted to share with you information about an important one-day event in Indianapolis for education candidates and faculty. Please note that this program also would be beneficial to pre-service social workers, counselors, psychologists and nurses, so please share this information at your institution, accordingly.
The Children’s Policy and Law Initiative of Indiana (CPLI) is hosting a Positive School Discipline Institute Event: Future Educator Conference: Creating a Foundation for Culturally-Responsive, Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices. This event is being held August 25, 2023, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Madame Walker Legacy Center, 617 Indiana Ave., Indianapolis, IN, 46202. Check-in will begin at 8:30 am, and lunch, as well as a light breakfast, will be available.
Candidates and faculty may register at this link. The attached pdf of the event flyer may be downloaded to print and distribute. You may also use this link for an electronic version of the flyer which has a QR code embedded by which people can register.
This conference is a chance for future educators and future student support staff to learn how to engage students, promote student academic success, reform disciplinary practices, and develop skills to deliver culturally-responsive instruction and discipline practices. Topics for this event include (1) understanding the juvenile justice system and the impact of educator referrals; 2) reforming exclusionary school discipline to end the school-to-prison pipeline; 3) implementing effective classroom management strategies and alternatives to school suspensions; 4) regulation and de-escalation skills for school personnel and students; 5) engaging students and their families through a culturally-responsive, trauma-informed lens; and 6) working with school staff to prevent and/or intervene in classroom crisis to avoid school-based arrest.
This event is supported by a generous grant to CPLI from The Indianapolis African American Quality of Life Initiative (IAAQLI). We also have as a partner for this conference the IUPUI School of Education.
Please share with your education candidates, faculty and other education pre-professionals.