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IACTE Constitution & By-Laws
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
IACTE Directory
Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Advocating for Education, Stimulating Improvement, Preparing Teachers
IACTE Executive Committee 2024-2025
Heather Schilling
Tori Colson
Malea Crosby
Brooke Kandel
Dr. Leah Nellis
Indiana University Kokomo
Dr. John Kuykendall
University of Indianapolis
Past President
Dr. Jennifer Barce
Purdue University
Representative at Large
Dr. Tori Colson
University of Southern Indiana
Representative at Large
Dr. Heather Schilling
Manchester University
Representative at Large
Dr. Malea Crosby
Indiana State University
Shawn Sriver
Ball State University
Executive Director
Dr. Jill Shedd
Indiana University Bloomington
Representative at Large
Dr. Brooke Kandel
University of Southern Indiana
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